“The Twins”

Since my womb is empty and so are my two spare bedrooms, I have to use my maternal instincts somewhere right?

Meet “The Twins”:



 Yes, my new washer and dryer that I adopted yesterday.

You see, Turbo is the most spoiled little white guy around {notice I did not say dog because what parent calls their child a “dog”?!?  I am much too refined for that.} and his 5lb body can only handle so much love and primping.

Now I have a new washer and dryer to dote upon.

I refer to them as “The Twins” because they are so sophisticated that they are practically human. No old-school buzzing  for them when a load is complete–nope, they play a soft little tune {much like the tune of the neighborhood ice cream truck} so as not to wake my sleeping dog child.

The dryer has a rack that you put your wrinkled, messed up clothes on and poof, it makes them sleek and crisp. And if you know me, you know that I DO NOT IRON. Iron’s were made for husbands to use {not wives} and that my friends is the lie that David has believed since we got married.

The Twins” are also gracious enough to let you know the exact amount of time that it will take to clean and dry your beloved clothes. A good fluff takes exactly 20 minutes, a normal dry takes 39 minutes and sanitization takes 1 hour 19 minutes. I would personally like to thank the person whose job it was to test the washer and dryer in order to program the perfect amount of time it takes to wash and dry on various settings.  Honestly, I would have taken the lazy route and rounded up to 40 minutes or an hour and a half.

The final reason that I have decided to affectionately refer to my new appliances as children is for the fact that I will probably have them the remainder of my days upon this earth. You see they cost us a few million pretty pennies and I don’t think I could stomach spending that much again on my children.

7 thoughts on ““The Twins”

  1. I have a serious amount of lust for my washer and dryer – cleaner clothes, less water and detergent, less energy . . . what’s not to love?! I still gasp when I am reminded of how much we paid for them, but they were worth every penny.

    It is quite possible that my kids will one day admit to their therapist that they are concerned that their mother loves her washer and dryer more than them.

  2. I am UNBELIEVABLY JEALOUS of you right now — especially since our washing machine just decided to go on the fritz. You are a lucky woman.

    The fact that the dyer “irons” for you makes it worth a million pennies, in my opinion — I told my husband (also a David ) the same lie you told yours about the iron 🙂

  3. HEHE, i just got a new washer and dryer too… and yes, they will be spending the rest of eternity with me! ours too has the little shelf in their, as I totally agree with the ironing. Ed does it, NOT me.

  4. Oh you got me Ali – I am laughing my head off. I have no jealousy for you however. Oh how I remember my first washer/dryer. I made your Dad get the harvest gold color and then I spent 10yrs after begging him for white. I wanted them to break SO bad!!! I will be coming over someday to sit it front of your twins and just watch them go round and round and round while drinking ice tea. xo

  5. You make me laugh, and I needed one today. I love those and they are on my wish list too for my new house ( that is if I ever get lucky enough to find one )uggg sigh………. oh well.

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